The essence of who we are and how we see ourselves in light of our creator can affect how we go about seeking our purpose in life. This means the image we have of ourselves and the kind of relationship we have developed with God over time will determine if we seek him first to reveal our purpose to us, or we go about finding our purpose on our own. The biggest mistake is trying to find purpose and meaning in things, in people or in our accomplishments. None of those things can give us meaning or a sense of direction like God can. Many of us are even scared to look within to find the answers we need because we are afraid of what we may learn about ourselves in the process. To be fully able to live out our true purpose and calling, we must first be willing to face the truth about ourselves, this includes coming to terms with where we are in our journey, areas we may be lacking, habits or addictions that we have acquired over the years that may be holding us back, as well as evaluating our current relationships/friendships to determine how those relationships are impacting or hindering our growth. Another important area to consider is the environment we are in; some environments can actually prevent us from reaching our full potential because we are not able to express ourselves freely and creatively as we would like. Jesus couldn’t perform miracles in his hometown because of the unbelief he saw in the people around him. This tells me people’s expectations, belief or lack thereof can impact us. If the environment you are in does not allow you to be your true self, nor does it gives you the freedom to use your gift well, then you need to find a way out of that environment, so you can fulfill the purpose God has for your life.
Discovering our true identity is the first step in preparing for our purpose and calling unless we know who we are, we cannot begin to search for our purpose and meaning in life. Our calling is connected to who we are. There are people who allow their circumstances or life to make a choice for them. For instance, they make career choices based on their interest, they choose life partners based on looks, chemistry or financial status, they pick a city to reside in based on who they already know living there, they choose a major based on what their family decide for them, and this list could go on and on. The moment we begin to allow other people or our circumstances to dictate our path, we have lost the power of who we are. The battle is really about staying true to who we are throughout the journey.
Our journey to finding and fulfilling our purpose is really what prepares us for our mission in life. Those moments of waiting on God, and those lonely periods where we wonder “God where are you” is really shaping and molding us to become the person we were created to be. The experiences we go through in life and the different seasons that we pass through contributes to our growth. One of the ways you can prepare for our purpose/calling is learning to depend on God, and drawing strength from him. The place God is going to take you as you discover your true identity may be rough some times, and you have to learn to encourage yourself. Not everyone is going to understand your heart, your passion, your drive, and what you believe in, there will be times you will have no one to support you. I am still on the journey of preparing for my purpose, every trial and pain I have experienced along the way has helped me developed the character that will sustain me through the fulfillment of my purpose. Timing is also really crucial in stepping out to fulfill our purpose. When we are connected to God we get the nudge to step out on faith, or things may begin to fall into place letting us know it’s time to launch out. I prefer to allow things take its natural course without trying to force or rush things. I know it’s tempting to want to try to promote myself and put myself out there, so people can notice my gifts, and that is not a bad thing, it works for some people. I believe when we are starting out and trying something new, it’s wise to move with caution and go at our own pace, rather than what you see everyone around us doing. Not everyone can handle the attention they receive from people who admire their gifts or talents when it becomes too much, and there is the issue of getting the wrong kind of attention. Which is why timing is so important, if you step out prematurely before you are fully ready, the people who respond to your gifts/talent may unconsciously put pressure on you, and you start feeling the need to perform, out-do what you did previously, or even keep up a certain standard. I rather patiently wait on God to work on my heart and strip me of things that would stand in the way of keeping him as my focus as I venture out. So at the end of the day, the success I experience doesn’t keep me puffed up but humble. Then there is the idea of trying to rush things, and get people to like you at all cost in the process of fulfilling your purpose, and when you don’t get the recognition or the attention you are looking for, you begin to internalize people’s reaction or lack of reaction towards you. You can prepare for this stage by surrounding yourself with loving people who believe in you, care about you, and people who can keep you grounded. These people know you well enough that they are able to encourage you when we feel down and discouraged, push you when you feel like giving up, and keep you grounded.
It is important to share your gift and your heart with people in small ways to bless those around you even when it feels like no one is appreciates your effort. Sometimes you have to keep doing that for a while, before God brings the right people across your path, who will either support you, or who would need what you have to offer. Success doesn’t happen overnight for most people, sometimes the only people who may be supporting you for a while may just be your family and friends, or even just your friends, that’s okay, and we have all gone through that process. We cannot really control how things turn out, but we can only hope that our effort will be rewarded at the end.
Finally prayer ties everything in, you should carry God with you throughout the process. You will need his constant guidance and direction as you go along the way. You will need his wisdom and strength each step of the way especially when things get hard. Even knowing the right things to say or write about takes wisdom, which can come through prayer. Prayer is a great way of talking to God about the desires of your heart regarding your vision, and listening to his response to see if those desires line up with his will for your life.
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