"Being Equally Yoked can be understood when you get the picture of what a yoke really is. It's a device used to hold two animals together. If you are an ox attached to another ox for the purpose of work, then the two of you cannot stray in different directions. If one isn't carrying an equal amount of the work, then they are unequal and the work isn't done efficiently or sometimes not at all.
In our spiritually lives, we have spiritual work to do. The work isn't the same as what an ox has to do, but we have work/our calling in life and we have the commands that Christ gave to us (to love each other, love our enemies,
prayer, fast, e.t.c).
The person that you are married to, courting or dating is someone that is an important part of your life. In a way, you are yoked to them. If you are yoked to them in the way that you both aren't trying to do your own spiritual work, then your joint spiritual lives are going to suffer.
Being equally yoked, just like those oxen, is that you are both going in the same direction -- in this case -- spiritually. This is especially important in relationships that have the possibility to result in a marriage. Stop for a minute and reevaluate things and see if you are going in the same spiritual direction. If you aren't, you will end up hurting the relationship, and yourself. A relationship needs that spiritual aspect as well as the rest of it. If you aren't going in the same direction, sit and figure out if you WANT to do something about it NOT for the relationship alone but because you want to get back with God in the proper way".
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Greatness Comes at a Great Price
will know you have been chosen to fulfill a higher calling in your life, when
you have to go through long periods (which often takes months or years of
preparation) being in the valley where your faith is tried & tested beyond
what you can humanly endure. A place where you feel attacks coming from every
angle, because the enemy is throwing every darts, attacks, and setbacks your
way, to cause you to give up on your calling, doubt God, or step outside his
will. This is the point where you experience so much frustration because your
adversary will use any and everything to get to you. The calling will require
you to walk a solidary path (where you will feel at times isolated from the
people in your life and cut off from what's going on in the world), You’ll also
be greatly misunderstood by people, even people you love and care for, as well
as your family and friends. A place where you wouldn’t have many people who you
can relate to, because you’re experiencing life from a higher perspective, You
will also be cut off from a lot of things you depended on for support, so you
can learn how to depend solely on God. You find yourself praying more than you
have ever prayed in your life, because your strong prayer life, and your
constant feeding on the word will sustain and strengthen you for what lies
ahead, and also build your faith muscles. You will find your old man dying,
along with your fleshly desires, so you can be submission to the things of the
spirit. But above all the person you become in the process after God refines
you by allowing you to go through the fire, will be the most rewarding. So when
you do stand in your calling, you will be fully equipped, and filled with God’s
grace, power, & anointing as you carry out the work he has called you to do.
#GreatnessComesataGreatPrice #WisdomisRequiredofyou #HigherCallingComeswithGreatResponsibilites #ManyareCalledfewareChosen #YouhaveBeenChosen.
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Ways in Which People often lose their Identity & Purpose
When a person has spent a
lot of their time admiring or idolizing other people because they genuinely like
their personality, their aura, how they carry themselves, and the ways in which
they express themselves using their gifts or talents; it becomes difficult for
them to either find who they really are or to separate themselves from the
people they look up to and greatly admire. You can’t find your true self when
you are constantly surrounded by inspirational people or people who are fully
grounded and stable in who they are, because they will rub off on you and can influence
you profoundly without you realizing it. You find yourself indirectly trying to
be like them or imitating what you see them do, and before long you begin to
lose your true self and to take on some of the characteristics you see in them.
It’s almost impossible to love something deeply or be so attracted to something
without it affecting you in some way. You will become like the people you
surround yourself with, especially the people you spend a great deal of your
time studying, following, or idolizing, and before long their purpose will
become your purpose, and your identity will become similar. When that happens,
you have lost yourself.
becomes dangerous when the people who are drawn to you, (i.e your biggest fans
& followers) become attracted to the “false you” (i.e the person they think
you are) or the person that you have become in their eyes, as opposed to the
person you really are. Your consistent devotion to the people you love &
admire can be the very thing that cause you to lose yourself, because the focus
is on them rather than on your growth. The more you have your attention on
them, and what you like about them, the more you neglect yourself. You can’t
have your attention divided on several things and still be able to maintain
your focus, what you are focused on will shape your beliefs, your values, the
way you interpret the world, how you see yourself, and this will ultimately
impact how you live out your purpose. I am not saying its wrong to admire
people or to have role-models, but it has to be in moderation and not done
excessively. The time you are spending trying to keep up with what they are up
to, the things they are working on, and the projects that they put out, you can
spend some of that time pouring into yourself, and working on your gifts and
talents, or even seeking God in helping you identifying who you are and what
your purpose is, and in building your relationship with God.
Unless you become strong in your identity, it’s
possible for anything to come to distract you, and to move you away from the core
of who you are. This happens all the time for people in business, in the early
and middle stages of building their career, for women and sometimes men while raising
their children, and especially in relationships. In other words, this can
happen to anybody, we just have to be mindful when it’s happening and retrace
our steps before we get far along. I am going to share some of the key areas
people lose themselves.
is one of the biggest area people begin to lose their identity because they
become consumed with loving the other person in the relationship. When we are
in love or when we deeply love another, we make the other person our number one
priority and we are constantly looking for ways to express our love to them, or
to make them happy. So we begin to pour ourselves into them, investing our
time, resources, heart, and basically everything we got, to the point that we
begin to neglect ourselves and our own needs. They become our focus and the
center of our world, and we can make them dependent on us, and when we’re
absent even for a short time, they wouldn’t be able to survive without us. They
constantly crave our presence, desire our attention, and our love, and when we
are not around for whatever reason, it feels to them there there is something
missing. The people who give and give in relationships often struggle with what
their own unique identity and purpose is, because they have made their partner
visions, goals, and purpose their own, and they have lost a sense of who they
are in the process. Some caring partners will actually encourage their
significant other to find their passion, and what they are called to do, but
may not give them the space and time they need, to do it because they still
want you to take care of them in the same capacity you were doing before, while
trying to figure out your purpose and your identity, and this makes it hard on
the other person.
Children: I have seen and heard of people who gave up their life
for their kids. By that I mean they gave up so much in other to see their kids
happy and successful. Some people had a life before the kids came into the
picture, (i.e they were pursuing their dreams, traveling, caring for their
husband e.t.c) but the moment they had their first child, they stop doing some
of those things so they could be more emotionally, mentally, & physically
present for their children. To them seeing their kids have the things they didn’t
have growing up means the world to them, and especially if they came from
broken homes, they want to make sure that their kids know, no matter what
happens Mom or Dad or both are always there for them. This sacrifice and
investment made by parents eventually pay off, but what they can’t get back
however, is the time they spent pouring their energy into one area of their
life. At times the longer you spend moving away from the real you, the harder
and the longer it takes finding yourself again. Nothing in this life is worth
you losing your identity and your purpose, no matter how valuable that thing or
person is. Your purpose and identity is the reason you were created and what
defines who you are.
who are great at what they do, have spent a great deal of time working on their
craft to become what it is today. Nobody arrived at greatness overnight, or
didn’t have to go through some difficult things to become the person they are.
So when you get to hear about them or see them, they are already come a long
way and it looks like they were born that way. Some people find themselves
comparing themselves to this people, and wishing they could become like them.
They start to read about them, follow them on social media, buy their products,
read their blogs, and become so obsessed with the person they admire to the
point that the person becomes their passion. Everything they do, is inspired in
a way by those significant people in their life, they see themselves in them,
and they start to plan their lives to match theirs. A person who invests a
great deal of time studying the people they admire, before long will begin to
take on the spirit of that person. When that happens they are no longer living
their own identity, and it would be difficult to identify their own purpose
apart from the people they love. Like I mentioned earlier, whatever you focus
on long enough, you’ll become like. You don’t want to be like anyone else, you
want to be an original, the person God made you to be.
No one should become more important to you than your
true self, you were created in the image of God, not to be like someone else.
And if the people you are connected to are rubbing off on you strongly, then
you need to pull back and spend some time away from them so you can regain yourself,
and to also find out what you truly want and desire. Take care of you first, so
you can have something to pour into others, and you shouldn’t be pouring into
others your entire existence. You cannot make a real impact in other people,
when you are living a lie, or when you are not sure of who you are. It’s good
to have somebody in your life that you consider a positive role-model or a
significant person in your life, but be careful that they do not become your
idol, or take God’s place in your life. You cannot become your best self why at
the same time, moving away from everything that makes you, who you are.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
People search for great men/women
and are attracted to them, not because of what they have, or who they know, but
rather for what they know. What a person knows, is what sets them apart, and
places them in a position of influence. People came far and near to listen to
King Solomon's great wisdom, and to witness firsthand the depth of his
knowledge on things, they didn't come to see him because of his wealth, but
because of his wisdom.
One of the best ways to bring
about change in someone life, is not to pray for them to change to conform to
the person we want them to be for us, but instead pray that we are not in the
way of that change from happening in their life. Sometimes we need to step back
and evaluate what is actually going on, to see what we may be missing. After we
have prayed we need to give the other person the freedom & the time
they need for God to work on them and to reveal the truth to them in a way they
can handle, so their heart can be ready to make the change. No one can change
anyone or make them do what they don't want to do, or are not ready to do. Only
God can change their heart, and he can't do that when we are holding on tightly
to them, or trying to force the change to happen.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
The wise way to live, which can also be very liberating when we know
how to live like this: is learning how to separate "who you are" from
"what you have", "what you do", and from "what you are
going through". All those things are part of who we are, but they are not
our identity. Maturity is not allowing who we are become easily influenced by
what's going on the outside.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
On Significance
I have found that money can take you places you never dreamed of or imagined, it can open a lot of doors for you, it can give you so many options in life, it can even put you in a position of power, where you're able to meet some great people, and influence a lot of people. But one thing money wouldn't give you is Significance. Significance doesn't necessarily come from how how much money you have, or what you have accomplished in life, its tied to what's in your spirit, and what people can feel in your presence. its this greatness & uniqueness that flows out of you, that can't fully be put into words. People just know when they are around someone truly remarkable. and it's something that comes from within.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
The Kind of Support One Needs As they go through the Process of Fulfilling their Calling
Walking in the calling God has designed for you is a big shoe to fill. It will come with many trials and testing and will require a great deal of sacrifice on your part and also great faith to accomplish it. Nothing prepares you for the personal journey, you would have to go through to as you prepare to operate in your calling. Once you answer the call, you will be faced with many unforeseen circumstances, doubts, and times where you would be completely discouraged and be tempted to give up. I believe even though everybody has a calling on their life to accomplish something God has assigned them to do. There are just a few people who have a higher calling attached to their purpose in life, which involves a whole lot of people and is for a greater good. Due to the magnitude of that specific assignment and the price to be paid in fulfilling it, not everyone can fill that role. God will only give us what he believes we can handle. Even though we all want to be used by God in the world to make a great impact on a broad spectrum, if given the task not many people will succeed at it, because it’s easier said than done. The people we see and even admire as a result of their great faith, depth of wisdom in a particular area or about life in general, or people making a global impact, are the people God has entrusted with a high calling.
this blog I share some insights on the kind of understanding and support one
needs as they journey through life to fulfill the call of God on their life. This
applies to anybody who is currently going through the process of preparing for
their calling or in walking in it, or who knows somebody who is presently at
this point in their life. But this especially applies to people who have a
great calling on their life to pastor, counsel, coach, or have the gifts of
healing, clarity, or restoration and are able to minister to people in a deeper
way that can create a long-lasting change in their life.
I wrote this blog
to help people understand how to best support a loved one, friend, lover,
family member, who is currently or has been going through a wilderness
experience to prepare for their calling. It’s a lonely journey and often times
people who go through this process do not have the right support and help they
need to overcome this season of their life. I pray this blog helps you
understand that loved one, partner, or whoever they are better and to help you
become the presence of strength and support that they need as they go through
their dry seasons. Or for the person going through this right now, I want you
to know, “you are not alone in that journey”.
calling will not only impact the person who has been chosen for the assignment,
but it will also affect people who are connected to that individual. For
instance, the magnitude of your calling will greatly impact your family, your
spouse, or future partner, your children, and your friendships/ relationships.
Which is part of the reason why most relationships end in the process of
fulfilling the call of God on your life. Because these friendship or
relationships would need to change or end in order to accommodate the level of
your calling. Even the dynamic of family relationships begin to change because
a person’s ideas and philosophies on life are changing, and faith will no
longer be a concept understood in their mind, but a reality that they would
have to live and face on a regular basis.
There is a certain degree of support and
understanding that a person needs when they are been prepared for their calling
or ministry; and this is not always well understood by people who are close to
them or to people watching from the outside. Keep in mind the people going
through all this changes are trying to make sense of what is happening to them,
and they are not in a position to offer you answers or clarity of what to make
of their life or their present situation. I know it’s not easy and sometimes it
is painful not to know the details of what is going on in that person’s life.
The reason you want to know is because you care about their wellbeing and may
want to help in any way you can. However, believe me when I say this some of
these people want to be open and share what’s happening to them and what’s
going on; but they don’t really have the satisfactory answers to give you, that
you may be looking for. Sometimes there is no understanding or answers when you
are going through, what feels like a wilderness experience. They just know
that’s where they are, they are not quite sure how they got there, or the way
out of it. One way you can support them in this area, is by giving them the
space they need, choosing to love them unconditionally even when you don’t
understand what they are going through and not giving up on them. Giving people
going through their wilderness experience, their space doesn’t mean you leave
them completely alone or forget about them, it simply means you apply wisdom in
how you deal with them. You have the discernment to know when to be present for
him or her, and when to step back, you also know when to speak, and how to
express your words in a kind and non-judgmental way.
The second kind of support these people need; is your unconditional love and understanding. Keep in mind these people are not going to be easy to love. They are going to push you away when they really need you to be there, there are going to be silent, when you need them to speak. They are going to be very sensitive during that time because God is working on their hearts as he prepares them to walk in their calling, and they are also going to be spiritually heightened during this time, because they need to fine- tuned their ears, and their spiritual senses to hear God during that time. The one voice they need to hear in this difficult season of their life. So at times they will overreact to something small, and/or become defensive in their response because they are trying to protect their vulnerability from what they perceive to be an attack coming from you. They may also be feeling a sense of failure or disappointment of letting the people they care about down, as well as a helplessness in not knowing what to do about it. This is partly due to the fact that they have not learned to differentiate their personal circumstances from who they are. They see what they are going through as who they are. Which is why they need you understanding and unconditional love at this time.
The second kind of support these people need; is your unconditional love and understanding. Keep in mind these people are not going to be easy to love. They are going to push you away when they really need you to be there, there are going to be silent, when you need them to speak. They are going to be very sensitive during that time because God is working on their hearts as he prepares them to walk in their calling, and they are also going to be spiritually heightened during this time, because they need to fine- tuned their ears, and their spiritual senses to hear God during that time. The one voice they need to hear in this difficult season of their life. So at times they will overreact to something small, and/or become defensive in their response because they are trying to protect their vulnerability from what they perceive to be an attack coming from you. They may also be feeling a sense of failure or disappointment of letting the people they care about down, as well as a helplessness in not knowing what to do about it. This is partly due to the fact that they have not learned to differentiate their personal circumstances from who they are. They see what they are going through as who they are. Which is why they need you understanding and unconditional love at this time.
They need your patience our timing of when we want things done/accomplished
differs from God’s timing. From our human standpoint, things may be taking too
long, and it may seem like months have passed and even years and yet they don’t
seem to be any visible change or progress in their circumstances/life. Plans
that they have initiated haven’t been fulfilled, goals were not completely met,
and they may have experienced one delay and disappointment after another. Which
is slowing them down and affecting the changes they want to make. They may also
be feeling the pressure spoken and unspoken from others who have expectations
of them, which adds to their anxiety. This is where your patience comes into
play because your timing of when you want to see things change or see your
prayers answered may be completely different from God’s timing for them. For
the person experiencing the wilderness experience, my advice to you, is to not
rush things and to wait for God’s perfect timing on that matter. For the people
greatly affected by the time is taking to get to one’s destination, my
suggestion to you, is not to pressure them to make a decision before they are
ready or before the timing is right. Exercise patience with them, sometimes
they may not be the ones intentionally prolonging things.
Pray for them more than you nag or complain about them. I have
found, prayer goes a long way, you can do more on your knees in prayer for
them, than your words can. Remember the battle they are fighting is not
physical but spiritual. In other words trying to fight or address a spiritual
battle through physical means does not always yield the right results. It might
make things worse because you will be responding out of frustration and anger
instead of out of love & understanding. Fight this battle with God through
prayer. As you pray for them as often as
you can, it softens their heart and opens their mind to open up to you more or
receive the help or support you are offering. Prayer also allows God to work
speedily in their situation.
Not every help or support you offer will be what they need. You
will need a better understanding of what a person is going through, and the
lens in which they are experiencing it to be able to provide/offer the right
support to them. And this understanding
comes from your relationship with God, and how in tuned you are to his voice
and promptings. Any support or help without an understanding of the big picture
is not really helpful. You also have to keep in mind the timing of it, you may
have a great suggestion or the solution to their problem, but if is brought at
the wrong time it would not be well received. You also have to ask yourself
before you offer any assistance; who is going to benefit from this help me or
them. Is best to help when we know for sure we are not going to derive any
personal gain or satisfaction from the people we are helping.
Lastly for the people who are on the journey
of fulfilling their calling you are not alone never allow the enemy to convince
you that are under a curse or something is wrong with you. You’re perfectly
normal, and the particular situation you’re going through somebody somewhere
has experienced it. When people are offering the kind of support and
understanding I described in this blog to you, do not push them away. Also do
not make things hard than it needs to be for them, you’ll be hurting them that
I hope this blog provided some insight and understanding on what really goes on in the life of a person who is called to fulfill a higher calling in life, which people seldom see. Please leave me your comments or feedback, and feel free to share this blog with anyone who needs it. And don’t forget to subscribe to my blog to read all my new post. Till next time!
I hope this blog provided some insight and understanding on what really goes on in the life of a person who is called to fulfill a higher calling in life, which people seldom see. Please leave me your comments or feedback, and feel free to share this blog with anyone who needs it. And don’t forget to subscribe to my blog to read all my new post. Till next time!
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